Saturday 11 July 2015

Speaking WWE PRESENT AND FUTURE: future of wwe

It's REALLY hard to get excited about the future of WWE when you see the way "creative" treats any superstar that turns babyface. 

As soon as a wrestler gets over organically as a heel and starts garnering big reactions, WWE's brilliant band of writers and Vince think it's a great idea to turn them face. Okay, that's fair. Totally makes sense. BUT, what does NOT make sense is when these writers, as directed by Vince I'm sure, decide to NEUTER wrestlers of the very edge and dynamic personality that got them over in the first place once they turn face! 

Is it a rule now to manufacture all babyface wrestlers as cookie-cutter, bland, generic, predictable products on a conveyor belt? 

Roman Reigns was over in 2013-2014 when he was with the Shield. People wanted him to win the Rumble in 2014. Would you look at that.
A talent getting over. He was heel. What does WWE do? Like an over-enthused school girl with no self control fawning over her crush,
they turn him babyface and shove him down our throats as if to say, "LOOK HE'S AWESOME, HE'S AMAZING! HE'S EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED!

And then they completely NEUTER him by having him do Sylvester the Cat impressions and over-pandering to the crowd, constantly over coming the odds as if his big ass could ever really be an underdog except in certain unique circumstances. 

The seriousness, the intensity in his silence, the mystique, the aura of danger...all the things that got him over as a heel....poof. VANISHED once he turned babyface. All gone. He wasn't different anymore. He wasn't special. He was just another WWE packaged superstar. Instead of Coca Cola, he was a blank can with the word "Soda" on it. Generic.

Dean Ambrose. Remember when he first started to get over last year in the Shield? He was a badass heel. Angry. Didn't care what anyone thought of him. Only smiled for sadistic reasons. Too demented to make jokes. OVER. WWE: "Gee, he's so over. Time to turn him face and cut his balls off with the knife of PG-ness!"

And they did. As a babyface, Ambrose was completely neutered. Cracking jokes. Condiment shootouts. Pumpkin matches. Blow up doll beatdowns.
Green ooze from a suitcase? Exploding television? NEUTERED.

Ambrose is no longer a badass, but a PG safe badass. He's Uncle Jesse from Full House.

Now....I'm sorry to say, the next victim to get neutered by the PG blade: Brock Lesnar.

This pains me as much as it scares me.

Brock got over as a heel. A badass, unbeatable, F U PG and F U sports "entertainment" monster.

WWE turns him babyface. What's the first thing that happens to him? He's neutred. By two midgets, an old guy in a suit and a champion that wouldn't even make Brock's appetizer list for dinner.

In typical babyface-in-peril fashion, Brock was beat down so that he can dish out their comeuppance later. KEYWORD: TYPICAL.


NEWSFLASH WWE: Brock Lesnar is NOT A TYPICAL superstar! He's not even a superstar, he's a fighter! He should not be booked to look like just another strong babyface. Those are a dime a dozen.

We were all hoping Brock would be a DIFFERENT brand of babyface: an anti-hero. Come out. Don't pander to the crowd because he could
give two craps about what people think of him. Whip some azz. Destroy. Leave. Screw authority. Austin-esque.

I knew all that was over when they had Brock....apologize to JBL and Cole...


They've already ruined babyface Brock.

WWE. This ain't the Price is Right. Stop neutering your superstars when they turn babyface. They need to keep the elements that got them over in the first place.

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